Back Order

We strive to maintain inventory on all product. However, if an item is on backorder you will see a backorder message on your shipping confirmation. Occasionally, if we have had unexpectedly high demand for an item, we may sell out before the back order message displays. If this is the case, you will be notified via email as to the status of that particular item.

What if an item is on back order?
We strive to maintain inventory on all product.  However, if an item is on back order you will see a 0 indicated on you packing slip.   Occasionally...
Thu, 27 Sep, 2018 at 1:34 PM
Why does my packing slip has a zero next to an item?
We strive to maintain inventory on all products. However, if an item is unavailable at time of shipment it may be on back order.  You  will see a 0 next to ...
Thu, 20 Sep, 2018 at 9:15 AM